AutoResponder for FM is a tool that will be especially interesting for Telegram users as it will allow them, in a surprisingly quick and easy way, to generate automated messages that are sent to any other user who tries to contact you through this messaging service, without having to do anything. You can configure as many bots as you like and customize them to respond to specific words, exact or partial matches and many other options.
Configuring AutoResponder for FM bots could not be easier: once the application has been launched, just click on the 'plus' icon; this will open the bot configurator from which you can decide which response to send automatically to which message. Of course, you can create a generic response that is always sent, regardless of the message you receive, and from there you can create automated conversations.
If at any time you want to deactivate any of the responses, simply uncheck it, this will not eliminate the bot configuration and it can be reactivated in the future without any type of penalty.
Although it is true that it may take some time to get AutoResponder for FM configured to your liking, once you have made this initial effort you will just have to let the application do its job for you.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 7.0 or higher required
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